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Now updated to include 60+ international shows, the Trade Show Directory 2015-2016 is your go-to resource for lists of the top trade shows around the world across 16 industries, including Food & Beverage, Gift & Home, Outdoor, Fashion, and more.

You'll get access to critical info for each show, including date, location, number of exhibitors and attendees, and the leading brands you can expect to see at each show.

What you get:

  • The top trade shows in the world that you should be attending across 16 industries.
  • An easy-to-navigate, searchable format with links to each show's website.
  • # of exhibitors and attendees at each show, plus leading brands that you'll see at the show.

About Handshake...

Handshake is the leading B2B Commerce platform for manufacturers and distributors, helping to grow their business by making it easy for their customers to order the right products from them in-person and online. Handshake’s powerful platform includes mobile order writing, B2B eCommerce, and sales order management with back office integrations.

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