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A sharp contrast to the static, heavy, and often outdated paper catalog, the modern-day B2B digital catalog has become commonplace in manufacturing and distribution. At its core, your digital catalog should represent your brand in it’s best light and give your customers and staff the information they need to buy and sell your products.

This download covers the 7 most important features that every B2B digital catalog should include.

What you'll learn:

  • The importance of personalization, including customer-specific pricing, promotions and product assortments.
  • Why flexible navigation and search are critical in the modern browsing experience.
  • How your digital catalog can be used as a revenue-driving tool.

About Handshake...

Handshake is the leading B2B Commerce platform for manufacturers and distributors, helping to grow their business by making it easy for their customers to order the right products from them in-person and online. Handshake’s powerful platform includes mobile order writing, B2B eCommerce, and sales order management with back office integrations.

Handshake © 2019